Disturbing lead-based paint during renovation, repair, or painting activities can generate hazardous amounts of lead dust. Tasks such as demolition, window replacement, or wall opening can also release accumulated lead dust into the home. Even after typical renovation cleanup, dangerous levels of lead dust may still remain.
Lead-safe work practices are essential to protect families from the dangers of old paint in homes built before 1978. These practices involve working with wet methods, using lead-safe containment and clean-up techniques, minimizing dust and fumes during renovations, and wearing protective gear.
The following organizations provide training for people interested in becoming a lead safe worker:
Lead-safe work practices are essential to protect families from the dangers of old paint in homes built before 1978. These practices involve working with wet methods, using lead-safe containment and clean-up techniques, minimizing dust and fumes during renovations, and wearing protective gear.
The following organizations provide training for people interested in becoming a lead safe worker: