The Community Foundation awarded the following grants as part of its ongoing LeadSafeCNY initiative. Check back often for updates! To explore LeadSafeCNY grant opportunities, contact Darrell Buckingham at [email protected] or (315) 422-9538.
View the impact of our investments so far and a neighborhood map.
2024 Grants
Black Cub Productions - $30,000
Create animated PSAs to raise lead awareness among families and children
Home Headquarters - $20,000
Offer EPA-certified workforce lead removal training to landlords and contractors
Home Headquarters - $112,699
Continue its window and exterior door replacement program
United Way of CNY - $65,000
Support a Social Navigator position that will meet with families in their homes to provide education and assistance on lead poisoning
United Way of CNY - $70,000
Matching grant to support LeadSafeCNY Coalition Director position
2023 Grants
Baby B.A.C.K. - $50,000
Conduct community outreach for lead testing and lead poisoning prevention awareness; coordinate street-to-street lead testing events
Home HeadQuarters - $50,000
Continue its window and exterior door replacement program
Home HeadQuarters - $70,000
Hire a LeadSafeCNY Coalition coordinator
The Syracuse Peacemaking Project - $50,000
Screen families' risk for lead poisoning, connect families to lead testing and related aftercare services, and empower residents to lead engagement efforts
United Way of CNY - $30,000
Provide transportation to families visiting the pediatrician's office or blood lab for lead testing
Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY - $50,000
Support toward the cost of filing lawsuits to force repairs in homes with lead hazards
2022 Grants
Children's Defense Fund - New York: $25,000
Advocate for New York State funding and policy change toward primary and secondary interventions that address childhood lead poisoning
Center for Court Innovation: $56,000
Hire two Community Lead Advocates who will reduce language and education barriers to lead poisoning awareness
City of Syracuse: $84,000
Hire a technical product manager that manage case records related to lead ordinance enforcement, lead program implementation and interagency information sharing
Greater Syracuse Landbank: $75,000
Make three previously vacant Syracuse homes lead-safe and ready for sale
Home HeadQuarters: $20,000
Offer EPA-certified workforce lead removal training to landlords and contractors
2021 Grants
CenterState CEO: $60,000
Train city-based, minority-owned contractors to compete for lead testing and remediation projects
City of Syracuse: $150,000
Continue HUD city-wide lead remediation program
Central/Eastern NY Lead Poisoning Resource Center: $25,000
Purchase blood lead level testing machines for medical practices that serve neighborhoods where elevated levels are historically high
Hopeprint: $10,000
Create safe & affordable homes for Northside residents
WCNY: $10,000
Continue public service announcements on the dangers of lead poisoning
2020 Grants
City of Syracuse: $65,000
Provide workforce training and certifications to code inspectors
Contact Community Services: $7,000
Develop a Healthy Homes website
Home HeadQuarters: $75,000
Continue its window and exterior door replacement program
Home HeadQuarters: $20,000
Offer EPA-certified workforce lead removal training to landlords and contractors
Tomorrow's Neighborhoods Today (TNT): $4,000
Continue to educate residents on the importance of lead testing and remediation
Onondaga County Health Department Lead Poisoning Prevention Program: $10,000
Provide relocation assistance to families of children with elevated blood lead levels
2019 Grants
Greater Syracuse Land Bank: $150,000
Renovate and remediate lead in ten units to provide affordable housing to those forced to move as a result of the I-81 transition
Health & Environmental Funders Network: $1,000
Join other funders for national discussion on best practices in reducing and eliminating lead exposures
Home HeadQuarters: $20,000
Offer EPA-certified workforce lead removal training to landlords and contractors
Home HeadQuarters: $75,000
Expand its window and exterior door replacement program
Home HeadQuarters: $35,000
Provide assistance to Green & Healthy Homes Greater Syracuse
Lead Poisoning Prevention Statewide Advocacy Network: $50,000
Influence statewide legislation that reduces lead poisoning across New York State
Tomorrow's Neighborhoods Today (TNT): $27,500
Educate residents on the importance of lead testing and remediation
WCNY: $15,000
Create public service announcements on the dangers of lead poisoning
2018 Grants
Greater Syracuse Land Bank: $43,750
Conduct lead inspections on all of its Syracuse properties
Home HeadQuarters: $45,000
Provide funding assistance to Green & Healthy Homes, Greater Syracuse to assist low- to moderate-income Syracuse households in using less energy and creating homes free of health and safety hazards
Home HeadQuarters: $150,000
Pilot a no-cost window and exterior door replacement program for low-income rental property tenants in the high-need neighborhoods in Census Tracts 23 and 54
Home HeadQuarters: $20,000
Train contractors and landlords to be EPA certified for properly completing lead safe home renovations
Housing Visions Unlimited: $150,000
Support the construction of new, lead-free affordable rental apartments on Syracuse’s Northside
Legal Services of Central New York: $2,500
Conduct public advocacy and community education regarding lead poisoning
PEACE, Inc.: $1,000
Identify weatherization service applicants who fall outside of its income eligibility requirements for referral to Home HeadQuarters’ window and door replacement program
Tomorrow’s Neighborhood Today (TNT) and Home HeadQuarters: $31,473
Educate residents on the dangers of lead poisoning and facilitate lead testing and remediation in at-risk homes
Other Investments
Home HeadQuarters: $500,000 Loan Loss Reserve
In early 2020, we committed $500,000 to form a loan loss reserve that will help Home HeadQuarters provide first mortgages to buyers of new, lead-free homes in the City of Syracuse.